Where can I donate?

You can donate through the ASU Foundation’s secure site for the Gritty Scholarship here.

What are the criteria for receiving the scholarship?

The criteria is quite simple. There is a GPA maximum of 3.3. Yes, maximum. Overachievers have enough opportunities — this one is for the underdog. You must also have attended public schools and are working while going to school.

Where can I learn more about the ASU Foundation?

This promotional site is maintained by us as the founding donors and not ASU nor the ASU Foundation, though all donations will be received through the ASU Foundation. You can learn more here. There are hundreds of amazing causes to support at ASU.

I am a student where can I apply?

You will soon be able to apply at the ASU Scholarship Portal. We are currently seeking to raise the funds for an endowed scholarship, which means this scholarship will be funded forever!

How much are you trying to raise?

We are aiming to raise at least $25,000 in order to create an endowed scholarship. Annual income generated by an endowment provides a continuous, reliable resource stream for the future. Endowed funds guarantee that this scholarship will be able to support gritty students for many years to come.

I was an underachiever, too. Can I share this with my friends?

Yes! We must unite. If this speaks to you and your journey, please consider supporting a hardworking student trying to make things work. Please share widely with your networks. We appreciate any support whether monetary or word-of-mouth!